Outdoor Concepts Teams up with Kyber Digital to launch our new website
The outdoor world has changed dramatically since our last website was designed and so this was the perfect time for a new look and a new website.
Managing Director, Craig McCullough said “We wanted a fresh new look, but we also wanted a website that worked for the user. We have always had great activities on offer – now this new website makes it easier to view our adventures and see lots of amazing photos. Hopefully it also makes it easier to for those looking for adventures to make a booking.”
Over the winter Craig worked with the Kyber Digital Team from concept to design and functionality right through to the final tweaks.
The new website is fully responsive – you can view it with ease on any device, whether you are sitting at home or on the move.
We hope you enjoy the new site and look forward to seeing you out in the great outdoors having some amazing adventures with us.